Thanks for your interest and taking your time  coming to my first ever chaos glitch zine volume 1. 

THE IDEA: a collaborative (quarterly?) magazine about circuit bending and diy electronics, research on it's political meaning and it's surrounding scene around the world (noise, experimental diy audio-visual analog electronics etc). The research has only  just begun.

Artists CALL: lets make it together!!! Send works, ideas , your diy electronic tutorials to my email or contactt via any social media. Im there as either Oliotronix or Gleeetch.

CONCEPT:  reflecting some of anti consumerism tendencies and glitching in audio-visual dimensions and whatever hobbies and obsessions that are still serching for the meaning... Some hooligan material may be in it.  Going with the flow. 

Keywords: circuit bending, upcycling, counter culture, toy hacking, hardware hacking, dumpsterdiving, anti-consumerism, diy or die, trash is gold.

The idea has grown some years ago out of chiptune and squatting an obsession that turned into a life long  hobby research on errors, glitches,  circuit bending,  creativity striving in limitations and applying these approaches to real life and hoping for a better society... I have stories to tell but i am so bad with expressing pls help...

Due to a lack of time, i managed to include some of my silly memes that are the first content of this zine and hopefully with further collabs and research it will grow into more constructive contents in the future. For now its just an extra lil thing in my bday release kit... [Release date is 7.03]

..which is available exclusively via 3,5 inch Floppy disk on Gleeetch bandcamp as a pre-release .

Contents of the disk include:

  1. all my gameboy tracks i wrote and performed with since 2015, in SAV format (LSDJ),
  2. LSDJ emulator , through which you can play the tracks on your PC and learn making music with LSDJ!
  3. loading instructions / tutorials/ links to more fan content.
  4. More stupid but educational memes! :D

The actual audio  release in WAV and FLAC should be available in April!

Even if you dont have floppy reader!), get this awesome wearable floppy disk necklace for your party outfit and support my upcycling endeavors in the gleeetch research lab! Thank yoU in advance!

Further questions, collabs, ideas, gig, workshop bookings and as well as floppy content request write me: ;;;;)

Your sincerely,

Gleeetch Beeetch aka Oliotronix

OR Direct download

This zine is made with Electric Zine Maker

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